
03 February 2008

Weekend fun...

Made it back safe and sound from Madison, great times had by all. I made it back just in time to recharge the 'Pod,' get in my 'long' run at the gym (recovery week 'long' run), and head to my friend's birthday party for the evening. Fun stuff, and all of the time in the car gave me my fix of 'me' time for a while.

Saturday was an exercise in hunger management. I volunteered to help out with a kids free dental clinic all morning, where I was told there was going to be food for breakfast and lunch. I didn't eat much the afternoon or evening before ( I really need to watch to kcals with it being a recovery week and trying to loose some kgs, or as I tell myself 'be lazier' - don't need to buy food, prepare food, clean up food, and eat food as much-ie: be lazier- fwiw, I am now the lightest I have been in my adult life, which is pretty exciting), and went to bed really hungry hoping to have an awesome bagel or muffin for breakfast like there was the year before. Little to be known, there were only a few aspartame yogurts arriving at 9:00 for 'breakfast.' No coffee. After helping out my fair share of kids, I left early to go home for some provisions, and head over to Matt's to do a fitness test. The results are in, and more to come on that note.

Today was a nice laid back morning with a bit of studying, followed by finishing the press of coffee on the trainer for the first part of my 3 hr easy ride to finish up my recovery week. Made it 1.5 hours then couldn't stand it. Don't ask me why. It just seems like once in a great while my trainer tolerance is absolutely zero. I have been doing 4 hour z1-2 trainer rides on the weekends all winter (obviously, except for recovery weeks). A 3 hour easy ride should be a breeze, but not today. After 1.5 hours, I was going crazy. I made the executive decision to bundle up, and head outside in the upper 20 deg weather to ride. Being one of those 'chronically cold ' people, this is weather I am normally not accustomed to, or enjoy riding in; however, today, it was better to be cold than to be on that blasted gerbil wheel. I took my mountain bike (well, actually my brother's, but he gave it to me after he never rode it because he 'had kids and no longer had time to ride') on the scenic route to the grocer (the bike is now almost an unintentional single speed due to both shifters dying), bought supplies to make beef stew , and rode another scenic route back. Pretty fun, really cold, very wet and sloppy, but better than being inside. :)

Finished things off with a great run and lift while my culinary creation simmered, came home to the lovely fragrance of meat and vegetables cooking and topped it off with a warm bowl of stew in my tummy after a long workout. Just another one of those days that remind me of how lucky I am to have the privilege to live the life that I do. I truly am a poster child for lacking any and all athletic talent whatsoever (hence the title of my blog- I am not just saying this trying to be a humble Norwegian); however I have a great time, I can see myself getting stronger, and I know that with time, hard work will pay off. I am experiencing something everyday that few people get to see even once in a lifetime. Pretty darn cool. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the quest for perfection in every workout that it is nice to have those thoughts where you get to remind yourself of why we do this, and then know exactly why we call it fun.

1 comment:

Matthew Pavlovich said...

A couple thoughts on your fitness test of late.

1. You always have a long run on friday. No matter the distance, it is still long. It still saps the energy.

2. You did not have breakfast, and your last "meal" was 10-11 at night on friday. So you went 12+ hours without food, lending itself to depleted glycogen storage.