
19 February 2008

its like pulling teeth...

This evening was the usual Tuesday night festivities of my tempo run and drill work in the pool. Tempo run felt great- it is my longest bout of tempo pace to date- which is exciting. It is funny how one's perspective of a particular workout changes as your other workouts get harder. I used to, er, dare I say, 'dread' my tempo runs (in that sort of- 'this is going to hurt' type of way), now I look forward to the opportunity to run longer at that pace, and prove to myself that running faster can be fun. Today's run initially felt harder than usual, but then I started telling myself "well, it doesn't hurt as bad as ...(insert hard workout here)... " Several songs on the 'pod and a while later- I only had a few minutes left and the treadmill jolted me into cooldown mode. That is always fun. (side note: I hate the auto cooldown- I have literally unknowingly thrown out verbal profanities during long runs when I almost fall after the treadmill does this after an hour) This is why I am looking forward to racing soon. I think that, amongst other things, it will be good to begin that paradigm shift to remind myself once again of what racing feels like.

Got in the pool, and did my usual warmup for some drill work. My arms felt really fatigued, and didn't know why until halfway through my workout- I was in surgery all day pulling teeth. It is almost embarassing to admit this, but I guess the art of tooth extraction it took its toll. Too funny. I have rarely ever felt any effect on my body from performing dentistry, but it was one of those long days. Now, if I only started counting my time in surgery in my training log as 'cross training', I could tell everyone how many 'training hours' I am getting in at this time of year... indoors nonetheless...ooooooo.

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