
28 January 2008

Random thoughts...

So, if you are wondering why this is posted in the early morning hours, it is because I haven't been sleeping well at all. Don't know why, but I don't like it. A wonderful day has passed, including some breakfast and coffee with friends, group ride with friends for the first hour or so, and solo for the remaining 3, followed by a nice run and lift at the gym, which should be enough to fall into a nice slumber (or coma for that matter) many hours ago as planned, but no, here I sit. So, since I can't sleep right now like the rest of the world, here I contribute to my narcissistic blog about random things because I have nothing better to do. I thought about getting up and cleaning the house with bleach and a toothbrush like 'the machinist' (it seemed to work for him, and maybe if I'm lucky I would be able to take advantage of his weight loss plan at the same time) but don't think my roommates would like that too much. In undergrad, I had some roommates who had some times that they didn't really sleep. They started oil painting at 3 am. The good thing is that I got some pretty cool art out of their misery. Sort of like Picasso's blue period I guess. They also memorized the words to REM's it's the end of the world as we know it' in their waking hours. I was and will always be impressed- it is probably on the *expert* level as far as song lyric memorization goes. Maybe I'll give it a stab.

I don't really know how much longer this is going to go on, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to increase my productivity these times without my roommates wanting to kill me, please let me know.

Thoughts on today's ride:
- it was AWESOME outside. This was amazing for both my mind and spirit. Thank you world for the sunny, 40 degree day.
- I saw another smart car on a random Nebraska county road. Nothing against smart cars, the concept is pretty cool, but they are just funny looking, especially on rural Nebraska roads. Whenever I see one, I just expect to see about 40 clowns get out of the back.
- today was 'every single white Buick out driving will try to run you over day.' I counted 3.
- This last season, I didn't get to ride with people all that often. When I do ride with others, I really, really enjoy it. Just plain old fun times. I just really appreciate company out on the roads.

Random other thoughts:
- residency matches are tomorrow for several of my classmates. Right now, I am glad that my fate for the future is not being held by a computer matching service.
- This is just a cool bike invention. Not fast, but really funny.
- This IS the worst bike invention ever, next to putting lead shot in your water bottle, or filling your frame with water and freezing it.
- I am wondering when I will ever be able to get the salt off of my car
- Interview on Friday: please vote- black suit or brown suit, and what color shirt/ sweater. Jewelry suggestions?


bryan said...

black suit. Don't know why.

I'm guessing the Smart car was seen near Mount Michael or Elkhorn, right? I've seen a little blue and silver one there about a half-dozen times.

Lindsey said...

actually, It was south of Blair on Blair High Road. Red one. I have seen a blue/ silver one out there though...