
02 January 2008

Happy 2008!

So, got back from Chicago from what was the best New Year's Eve ever. Good times, good people, good places. One can't ask for more than that.

Started the day with the required 'fashion show' to get the evening's ensembles lined up. Headed down to Feast for some awesome brunch. Katie tried to convince me to get the "Garbage Omlette." I caved. As I found out- it is so much more than a catchy name- it is the best omlette ever. It has everything, but the kicker is the marinated peppers- all cooked to perfection. Thank you Feast.

The evening consisted of going over to Dave's house start the festivities. Vanessa had a good attempt at a guitar hero challenge from Dave's roomate. He wanted to challenge on 'expert;' however was being nice, so he backed down to 'hard.' I think he is going to be getting a contract soon. We eventually walked through the snow, that was coming down pretty thick at that time, to up at EvilOlive, a palindrome theme martini bar. Awesome place, and they even put on an even more awesome NYE celebration. Way too much fun was had, and the booze was flowing like water. Whoever thought of putting a photo booth in a bar is an absolute genius! Couple that with a sweet spread with hummus and cheese cubes, corny paper hats and crowns (I didn't take mine off all night), and a balloon drop and champagne toast at midnight, and you have the best New Year's Eve ever. The fun continued to come, and after freezing ourselves on the snowy walk back, we even surprisingly remembered to take the cardboard off of the tombstone before baking it back at Katie's!

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