
06 January 2008

An encounter of the third kind...

So, today I woke up with a sore throat, sniffles, cough, and aches. I couldn't believe it. I have been sick more times this winter than I have in the past three years. This is the most frustrating thing ever. I have been good with my diet, sleep, and hand washing in attempt to figure this out, and thought I had it figured out until today. I have even turned to zinc, airborne, and other remedies. I cant figure this out. I keep getting sick. argh.

Being a recovery week, I had a 3 hr easy ride planned for today that I was really excited for to actually ride outside. I made an executive decision to turn that into riding around town while running errands. I hate changing the plans, but I figured I would ride a little less, and kill two birds with one stone so I can just get to bed sooner tonight to sleep off whatever I have. Took some Alka Seltzer cold, got all bundled up, and headed out the door on my mountain bike to tackle the ice and sloppy streets for a few hours.

Plan was post office, Blockbuster, grocer, Kohls to get new hosiery for school, Target (to unfortunately buy bleach, laundry soap, and fabric softener- it was a lot to lug home).

So, I headed to the post office to drop a letter in the box, and rode the short distance down Saddle Creek Road to Blockbuster to return a movie. I was being a perfect little human powered vehicle- I wasn't trying to pull any crap in traffic. At Blockbuster, I dropped the movie in the slot, and turned around to see a grubby woman approaching me. She just got out her car, and wreaked of cigarette smoke. The conversation went approximately as follows:

Her: Do you realize how rude it is to ride in the street when there is a sidewalk right there? (not even realizing there was ice all over the sidewalk behind her.)

Me: Do you realize that I have the same legal right as you do to be in the street?

Her: Well, It is really rude to hold up traffic.

Me: Listen, I am out here trying to run some errands just like you. Apparently my presence caused you some inconvenience.

Her: Well, you should try to keep up with traffic.

Me: Well, I have the right to be there. [ I ride away]

Now, as with all cyclists who have ridden on the road, I have gotten my fair share of obscenities yelled at me, crap thrown at me, and attempts to kill me with a vehicle, but I have not yet gotten the direct face to face encounter off the bike. I was actually pretty proud that I was able to remain civil- albeit it would have been nice to throw out some wittier replies.

Eye opening nonetheless. I find comfort in the fact that she has chosen to inevitably smoke herself to a premature, slow, painful death, where she will no longer be inconvenienced for several seconds while driving.


bryan said...

You're so rude. That poor lady was just trying to enjoy her smoky treat without your spandex-wearing carcass mucking up the whole process.

Be more considerate next time.

Matt N said...

She's just jealous that you are doing something right. i.e. riding a bike and getting exercise.