
17 February 2008

Time for new pants...

So, for some reason, I have finally noticed that on the majority of my dress pants, the butt is not where it used to be. I hate saggy pants, but I have unfortunately been putting up with it. For some reason, all of my pants are now not filled out. You see, I like my pants tight like how they fit when I buy them. I want them to move with me, not me to move with them.

So anyway, the search started, and produced a few new offerings, but I made a couple observations in the world of women's pants during my journey.

- Fabric: I am amazed by how some stores try to get away with selling pants made from a poly/ rayon/ viscose/ whatever disgusting fiber blend for the same price as wool. This is just horrible. These sythethetic fabrics feel nasty and look nasty. They are only to be used for technical clothing- in which they are awesome!

- Fit: Every store has their line of of cuts. Much to my dismay, these have names like 'curvy,' 'contoured,' and other names (Ann Taylor does have a 'lindsay' cut, but it clearly wasn't made for me :) ...) . I am built like a roman column. There is no fit for this. I have big legs-that is what happens when you ride and run for years. I would really like a pair of pants that are the tightest in the waist and butt, not the legs. Not happening. Tried on pants that were literally held up by my thighs, and the waist sagged down. Really funny look. After learning from Bryan that male cyclists also deal with this, er, problem, I think that I am going to start a clothing line for cyclists- sort of like those lines for people with 18" biceps.

so, on these notes I have found the two paris of pants in all of Omaha that fit my simple criteria. I'll take it.

1 comment:

bryan said...

I think of it not as a problem, but as a revenue stream yet to be tapped. Jeans For Freaks is the company's working title.