
24 February 2008

favorite things...

so, I guess this is what happens when you feel like crap, fall asleep all afternoon, and wake later. You can't fall asleep again. Oh well, I guess this means another blog entry because I am sick of studying for boards.

Just some random musings on some little things in my life, nothing big, nothing novel, just the good stuff...

- Recent foodstuffs that I cannot get enough of:
- hummous/ hummus: although always a hummus fan, I have recently become obsessed with the stuff. I have been trying all different kinds, trying to weed out the ones that are 'good' because they are good, or 'good' because they like to hide some un-hummus like ingredients in there. I have found that this stuff ranges from 25- 90+ calories per serving depending on brand. My recent 'good' favorites include: Wild Garden brand and Melissa's Edamame hummous. In honorable mention comes the hummus from Baker's olive bar (a wild card in the nutrition dept) and the Costco pine nut variety courtesy of Matt- very yummy, but I think that they are hiding some crack in there or something because it is almost too yummy.
- cottage cheese or plain yogurt with mandarin oranges: I don't know what the deal is, but the flavor of mandarins is amazing! It is just enough fruit to taste good, and just enough sugar water to enhance it. Best of all, it is from a can!
- bell peppers and cucumbers: the vegetable snacking delight!
- chocolate covered prune bits- I never thought that these two things would even go together, but they are delightful, and come in a bag!
- and no, I haven't had any peanut butter yet... I stood my ground walking past the PB aisle at the grocer yesterday...
- Target archer farms brand high protein cinnamon cereal- I love cereal, but have never found one that actually fills me up without eating half of a box, so I shy away from it as a meal, but this one will keep the rumbles away until at least 10:30/ 11 on my belly's schedule, which is a good to excellent rating in my book.

- I am very excited that Patagonia has their new spring dresses out. I love to wear dresses all summer, and theirs are downright the best.

- I am toying around with the idea of not doing an Ironman next year. I know, a very, very, very long ways away, but sign ups start this summer if I want to do one. I don't even know where I will be living or working, but just the thought of focusing on something different might be good for me. I know that this season hasn't even started yet, and realize that. I'll probably cave and sign my soul away to WTC another time. For me, the lure of Ironman is something that remains for me to figure out, something that so many other factors play into besides S,B,R for a successful day- a day that I haven't had yet- a day that few ever get. It is something that one must understand, not conquer to succeed. It has a mystique that attracts me; however, other races have the raw power and pain that I find so attractive in these thoughts of focussing on shorter distances. I just think- Am I tough enough? who knows.

- I forgot that my car was black until I washed it this weekend. Wonderful!

- I don't understand why there are so few women cyclists.

- I keep my toes painted because I like it, and I don't need to look at what ugly color my toes are from running. I recently took my polish off, and was excited to see only one black toenail! I think that this is a new record!

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