
18 April 2008

this is why there hasn't been too many posts...

wake up.
get ready.
iron while water is boiling.
press coffee.
go to school.
do dentistry.
make phone calls to patients.
do related dental lab work. lots of it.
come home sometime late evening or early morning.
training. ( if not too ridiculously late)
If training can be done before 11 pm, assume crappy workout.
go to bed, get too little sleep.


That's about it. other comments...

- Last week, a school bus driver decided that driving past a woman with a green trench (aka ME) and spraying her with the many wheels of a school bus would be common courtesy and that I wanted a shower of road grime. Yes, I too, thought that this only happened in movies. Wet wool pants smell like a wet sheep until they dry. I inadvertently started swearing at the bus, then I realized that it was full of elementary aged kids.

- my SRM is out of commision. Great. It is now in Colorado at the SRM hospital. I'm hoping that all this requires is a battery change and a re-calibration. I guess of all times, it is probably the best not to see my power numbers right now with all that is going on in my life not making a situation very amenable to quality training.

- there is no housing crisis. Believe me. If anyone can find a house that actually has some style in Madison, please let me know, because apparently realtors can't do it. (Isn't that what they do? aka their JOB?) Dear realtor: no, I do not want a 60's ranch.

- Dental instructors are really good at saying very ignorant, derogatory, and completely out of line comments.

- My board exam retake is this coming weekend. By the time that I start the exam, I will be so relieved to be able to start, that the dentistry part will be a joy. I don't think I have ever been so stressed out for so long in my life than in the weeks between my previous exam and this one.

1 comment:

William and Cindy Haynes said...

Hello from Chiang Rai, Thailand. I have enjoyed following your blog for the past month or so. I'm getting back in shape and training for an olympic distance triathlon. I just thought I'd say hello and I hope you do great on the boards! I'll send up some prayers for you!