
23 April 2008

Earth Day...

So, we bring ourselves to another Earth Day (also my friend Sara's birthday!)

I've known Sara (black dress, pictured above) since preschool, which is pretty darn cool. This weekend, she competed in her first tri and now has the bug big time! Good work Sara!

I find Earth Day an interesting phenomenon. I love the earth, I think its great, and I want to keep it clean, beautiful, and wonderful. I really don't know anyone who doesn't. I don't know anyone who says 'hey! I think this planet should be dirtier and uglier!'. I do what I can, which is more than lots of people, less than many others, but I don't feel the need to judge or degrade others or make my self feel better by bragging. It is what I do because I think it is the right thing to do; however, I am, by all means, not perfect. I'd rather call it 'living your life intelligently and conscientiously' than 'going green' or 'hugging a tree.' It is wonderful that we have a day to think about the world around us and what we can do to make it better and appreciate its beauty, but unfortunately I saw something this weekend that epitomizes all that is wrong with Earth Day.

Case in point. On Saturday, I was riding my bike through Elmwood park, more on the outskirts of Elmwood park (the road that parallels 60th, through the golf course, east of the park if anyone is wondering) heading to the Keystone trail to take it up north to ride. I was wondering what was going on. There were cars everywhere. The road was packed, the park that I could see below the road was packed, and people were parked all over the grass, every which way. One car tried to run me over on my bike. I was wondering what was going on since I hadn't seen this many cars in Elmwood for a long time. After my ride, I found out. My roommate informed me that it was an Earth Day celebration. I started laughing.

I will refrain from further comment an let the situation speak for itself.

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