
29 November 2006

Proud that I have swum twice this week so far, Seeing that I have lost my desire and motivation to get in the water over the past several weeks.

I have gone once in the evening at Creigton on Monday and at masters this morning. I forgot how great the people were at masters. It truly is a wonderful group of people, so genuinely nice and sincerely caring. I know that many of them would go out of their way for me, and I would do the same.

I was thinking about where this 'lack of training mojo' was coming from. My swimming has been pretty steady this past year, I have swum on average 3 times a week for over a year. Every week. I had times where I would do a swim emphasis in my training and not only swim at master's, but also on my own. Did this additional effort get me anywhere? I don't think so. I don't feel as though I am swimming any 'better' than I was a year ago. I had one goal this year of swimming 2.4 miles and feeling refreshed enough to bike 112 and run a marathon after that and I now know that I can do that. I have the same task looking at me for this next July. Do I know that I could do the same with my current level of fitness? Probably. What can I do with this level of fitness? the same time/ effort. How badly do I want to change my swim time? Seeing that I have dont a 33 min half iron, there is no reason that my full should be over 1:15. Maybe that could be a goal; however, a time goal like that my be detrimental because it is so dependant upon how big of a crowd I am in at the start. Do I want a time goal?

On another note, I am still having fun riding the P2C, even on the trainer. I love my bike. A 90 min trainer ride today at the PTC with a 40 min tempo ride in the middle and a 20 min run. A very very cold runoff in the blustery weather. I am still liking the tempo rides for what they are. My legs are now getting that constantly sore feeling back in them from training and I forgot how sickingly good it felt to know that my body in full swing training. The combination of the lifting and tempo rides are taking its toll on the legs, but it is good.

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