
25 September 2008

Big race rehearsal this weekend- doing the 2.4, 112, and 1 hr run. That's a lot of exercise, which means that I need a lot of motivation to get through it. That is where this evening's purchase comes in.

I have been hunting down this particular brew for a while, after hearing rumors about it. I have finally located it in the sense of finally stumbling upon the the Loch Ness Monter or Big Foot or something. Oscura- a coffee beer brewed by Furthermore brewing out of Black River Falls, WI. All I can say is that post swim/bike/run yumminess will await me!

On another note, got in a great 2 hr run today. My best long run so far, and I am excited to get in over two hrs next week before things start coming down. I am absolutely thrilled that I could not only run, but had minimal ITB issues. In fact, I felt GREAT for the last hour of my run. I am finding that I have more problems when I am running slower for the first parts, and when my gait changes into 'faster' mode, I feel fine. I don't have any paces since I have tossed pace out the window for my long runs since I am just trying to keep the ITB at bay and get the time in, but all in all I know it was a good clip for the last half. Nutrition and hydration went well- my plan that I am dialing in on for IM Florida is using a lot more caffeine than I have in the past, and I am testing the waters for using caffeinated gels on the run to keep my buzz going that I will have from the bike. It felt great!

This weekend will be the 'big test' of everything for the race. After all of the intensity that I have been doing on the bike, I am actually looking forward to doing some LSD-type work without anything resembling at or above FTP. I really haven't done this for a long time, but after pounding out 8-12 hours of really mostly intervals of some sort all of the time week after week, I know that this will feel like a breeze in comparison (well, as much as 6 hrs on a bike can feel like a breeze). The 'stupid switch' seems to be working really well this week- my runs, swims, and bike have so far flown by as far as duration; however, I am thinking that some new tunes for the iPod may be in order to help with the solo boredom factor.

1 comment:

Matthew Pavlovich said...

the beer sounds great let me know. I am currently en route to the nw for good. I also changed my # 541-953-4199

Question - You are less than one month out from a race that you have prepared for for a year, why would you risk injury/overtraining/training stress/it band flair ups/mental fatigue for a trial run.