
28 June 2008

When best gets even better...

So, as previously eluded to, I have been in a bit of a training slump lately. Didn't know why; however I just didn't have the spark that I normally do to get out the door. A bit of apathy one might say, but I have been still getting my workouts done, while admittedly, a few somewhat reluctantly performed. Well, I had a recovery week last week, and am feeling much better to get back into things. I am very thankful to get that feeling back. It is a weird to not love to do the thing you love to do. I am pretty sure that I have my mojo back, and feel like I want to go on the swim a ton, run all over, century every day plan. :)

Whining aside, I am starting to get to know the roads here better, at least south of town. The roads are quite intertwined, and I still need to meticulously map out my ride if I am testing out new territory, not to mention construction surprises. I have definitely had my fair share of getting lost or getting stuck taking some not so bike friendly highways (read, high traffic high speed, and no shoulder). With that being said, I am absolutely in love with the riding here! The terrain is awesome, and every road is picturesque with foliage and quaint farms. No matter when I go ride, and how far, I always seem to see other riders.
Side note-
New theorem/postulate: only fast riders wave to other riders. No wave = slow.

For the past, er... way too long...I wasn't really swimming, and didn't care. I didn't get any better when I worked really hard at swimming, and when I didn't work that hard at swimming, I had some of the best swim splits ever. Things that make you go hmm. Anyhow, I think I have found the next best thing that will get my spark back for swimming- that is finding enjoyment in the mere act of being in the water and enjoying the world around you- that is open water swimming in Lake Wingra! When I first moved here I was getting mixed reviews on the swimming status of the various lakes and bacterial counts. I have gotten the final word from the tri-geeks and got the real word- it is a go! This means that I have my very own open water training grounds a perfect 4 downhill blocks away... Lake Wingra! There are no motorboats allowed on the lake, and there is usually enough of a handful of canoers/ kayakers/ small sailboats for company. The state games rowing/ crew championships were held there this weekend- those rowers are a pretty fit bunch, and it was fun to watch as I swam along the shoreline to stay out of their hair. I also ran into a nice group of wetsuit-clad people sitting around post swim when I rode there on Monday to swim. Found out it was an open water master's group composed of quite a few tri folk- I am going to join them tomorrow for an evening swim. Not only just having this lake so close, but I am very excited to have found a masters group that meets in the *gasp* evenings!!! (for some reason fishies love to torture themselves by getting up at 5am- tried for about 3 years to convert myself to working out at this time- never took.)

Not to leave out running, I have found the Arboretum which can be reached in a run of a little over a mile from my house. The Arboretum is a beautiful wildlife preserve run by UW in the middle of town with over 20 miles of dirt trails in addition to the secluded, shaded road through it. A perfect 1 hr run from my house, through the arboretum's main drag, and back. I really can't believe that there is trail running less than a mile from my house.

I am on the last steps of my long, drawn out unpacking process. I will hopefully be hanging pictures soon which is what I consider the final stage.

In the meantime, I have a DVR, and couldn't be enjoying it much more with all of the Olympic trials in swimming, track and field, and not to mention a little race in France that is going to start here in a few days. I have literally gotten chills/ teary eyed while watching the trials on TV. I am jealous of my Omaha friends who are actually there watching it. It is absolutely amazing to watch these athletes compete, not to mention break world records left and right. I am foreseeing nothing getting done when the actual Olympics are going to be on tv; notwithstanding, I am excited to have so much material dvr'd for this winter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not sure what type of riders show up for this ride, But we have a lot of people say they do it.

I've been trying to ride home on Tuesday nights and back up on Thursday mornings if the timing is good maybe you can ride partway sometime. There are tons of roads that I'm still finding.

Welcome to the land of Cheese!!
