
29 March 2008

Life updates...

So yeah, I've been a little lazy and haven't written for a while- back on the wagon. :) Things are going well here. On a recovery week- usually a lot of time on my hands these weeks, but school and boards has been sucking up the majority of the extra time. Here are my random thoughts from the past none other than a bulleted list.

1. Training wise, things are physically going pretty good, but scheduling wise things have gotten shaken up. This whole board retake thing has taken up the majority of this month's weekends (like, all of them) and I will not be able to do any of the three spring races that I really wanted to do ( Lone Star half iron, Altoona RR, and the race formerly known as Lincoln Plating). I didn't realize how much I was using these races as my motivation until I can't do them any more. The whole reason I wanted to do an early season half is to push me through the winter, and it did. I have put in over 370 training hours for these races, got myself as light as I have been in my adult life, set my training up so I would peak right now, and now the whole purpose for this is not there.

I am pretty sure that all of this is the root of why I am experiencing a, well, lack of training mojo. I haven't felt this way in a while (like, a really long time). Usually I love and cherish every moment that I can get out and enjoy these crazy and sometimes painful activities that we call fun. It is almost scary. Don't get me wrong- I am still getting in the majority of my training, but I am finding that my workouts aren't as focused as they should be and it takes me a really really long time to get out the door. I don't like this. @#$@#$!

Last weekend, I saw Dave R out riding, and surely enjoyed his company, especially after chasing him down for several miles outside of Ft. Calhoun. I forgot how much fun it is to ride with other people outside. I guess that is the one drawback of knowing too many fast people- you don't get to ride with them. :) With the combination of the weather still being frigid and the lack of training mojo, it just makes for a bad combination. If anyone wants to beat me with a bat with HTFU engraved on it to get me out the door- please feel free.

I have faith in the fact that this too, shall pass. I have reformatted my weekly schedule to hopefully make my life easier with the same training load. We'll see how this goes.

2. Yesterday, I think I was attempted to me hit by over a dozen morbidly obese drivers. It was weird- every time I car would get scarily close, I would look over and see a large person with a gut with the driver's seat pushed way back to accomodate for it. No exceptions- 100% of the time.

3. While riding today, cars were nice to me- only a few pickup truck drivers who feel the need to make up for their lack of genitalia with their vehicle got a little irate. Nothing new. Funny thing is that when I was riding through Dundee on my way out of town, I ran into circus people in the street. Little did I know that it was the Cirque du Soleil performers running around in my neighborhood promoting their show in town- hahaha!

4. I ran into my buddy Andy at the grocery store yesterday. It was fun to see him. As a fellow triathlete, he was loading up his cart with good stuff, but I will admit, this guy also knows his cookies and brownies. I took his word on a box of Betty Crocker cookie brownie bars. All I can say is wow- very very yummy- and exceptional straight from the oven. It is a good thing that I have roommates who don't let things like this stay around for long. :)

5. While out riding today, I was thinking about narcissism and endurance sports. Although the word may have some negative connotations, I am a believer in the fact that the trait is necessary for success in sport. Don't get me wrong, I realize that if you are bike racing, etc. there is a team effort involved- but lets face it- much of bike racing, triathlon, running is dependent upon the fact that you wholeheartedly toe the line thinking that you are awesome- no exceptions. I don't know exactly what I think of this, but I pretty sure that I like it. I like to be confident in myself, and to be around confident people. We all need to be like Narcissus every once in a while.

Well, thats it for now. Big news (think, huge!) hopefully coming soon... (and, no, I'm not pregnant...)

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