Life update...
- yeah, so it has been, er, a bit since 4 July. The fact that I haven't posted is good- that means that I am very busy working, having fun, and making myself faster for the upcoming Ironman Florida
- A big shout out to two friends who became Ironmen right here in Madison last weekend. My friend Andy put together a very strong and solid sub 12 race after breaking T2 in his neck 1.5 weeks prior. This is for real- turns out is was a stable fracture and he was able to race- what an emotional rollercoaster during taper time! Jeremy finished sub 10 for an awesome race, and dialed in 38th overall in his first ironman! Way to go!
- For me training has been going well. It is that time of year that everything is ramping up and I feel as though I simply just work, s/b/r, and do laundry to feed my addiction. Emotionally, it is the hardest part of IM training. I am exhausted, hungry all the time, and ready to hop into bed and pass out every night. With that being said, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I know that I am doing the right thing when I feel like this, and all of these 'deposits in the bank' are worth it for the withdrawal that I am going to make in November.
- It is funny how you get to know your body. I find that my body likes to pack on muscle at this time of training, which I don't really like. I am not a weenie triathlete to begin with- I don't need any cosmetic bulk to be hauling around a race course!!! It doesn't make me look cut, just sort of bigger. My clothes fit the same, it is just a slight increase in kg. Not fun, and I am trying to adjust my cho/pro/fat composition to avoid this without sacrificing recovery. Any insight is appreciated.
- As far as training, I am happy with where my swimming is. The 50m outdoor pool that I had been swimming at and spoiled in has closed for the summer, and the lakes are funky enough from the warm weather that they really aren't a healthy option. I am now stuck in 'regular indoor pools' but it is reassuring to have my times to refer to from where I was previously in 'regular' pools. Things are looking good, and I feel as though in the next few weeks, I can solidify what I need to do to have a good swim in FL. Biking is great- I am riding longer, harder intervals and T work that I ever have. Trying not to freak about the change in kg because FL is flat, and that I have raced my previous IMs heavier. I have some race rehearsals coming up soon that I am looking forward to, and I have found some great flat land to train on around here (a rare thing) to get myself used to being in aerobars for a really really long time. Just trying to dial in my position, nutrition, and pacing to have the ride of my life. Running is great- I feel like my stride and cadence is improving. Psychologically, my long runs have been dialed back in the pace department to keep some IT problems at bay when my volume was going up which I don't like. But I don't like even more is having to hobble home halfway through a run b/c I am in so much pain- win some and lose some I guess. Has delightfully worked so far, and hoping to conservatively visit my good friend M pace again really soon.
- The rest of life is great. Visited family in ND over Labor Day- saw many people who I haven't seen in a while. Great family and wonderful to see them.
- Work is great- I love my job, patients and dentistry.
- Have had some good company visit Madison, and have been enjoying getting to know some of the restaurants in my new home town better. Life is good.
- crashed on my bike last week coming home from a long ride in rain and 60 deg. It was one of those days where I needed to put on my 'tough girl hat' to get out the door. Ride went great- hit the #s spot on despite the conditions. 1 mile from home- bam!- his something hiding under a small puddle of water in the road (culprits- pothole, manhole cover, sidewalk paint), and slid across an intersection on my right side in the middle of rush hour (bike still attached, naturally). Thankful that a car didn't hit me. Bike ok for the most part, water acts as a great lubricant to minimize road rash, bumps and bruises, a jacked up neck, and a headache for a week. Fortunately things are healing well. I will be ok and my headache is finally gone after some worries. Just thankful it was not worse- training now resumed full force.
- So my life is pretty unidirectional right now; however, I know that it will be worth it when all is said and done. With that being said- after much much much contemplation- i signed up for Ironman Wisconsin next year. I can not pass up the opportunity to roll out of my own bed and compete in an Ironman with some 'home field' advantage.